Previous Year Paper Solution | Indian Economic Service Exam - 2009 | General Economics - II

Section - I

1. Candidate should attempt any SEVEN parts of the following questions. (Answer to each part should be approximately of 50 words):-

Marks: 5 × 7 = 35

(a) Explain the concept of "tableu Economique" as propounded by thy physiocrats.

(Comment for solution.)

(b) Discuss the underlying concepts of Green national income of a country.

(Comment for solution.)

(c) Distinguish between futures and options in a derivative market.

(Comment for solution.)

(d) What is the basic distinction between a short-run and a long-run phillips curve?

(Comment for solution.)

(e) Explain the manin reason behind an infinitely elastic segment in the Keynesian speculative demand for money.

(Comment for solution.)

(f) Explain the concept of "development of under-development" as propounded by Frank.

(Comment for solution.)

(g) What are the components of 'Big Push' for growth in a developing economy ?

(Comment for solution.)

(h) Distinguish between Net Barter Terms of trade and Double Factorial Terms of trade.

(Comment for solution.)

(i) What are the basic differences between the Ricardian and the Heckscher-Ohlin models of international trade?

(Comment for solution.)

Section - II

Candidate should attempt any SEVEN parts of the following questions. (Answer to each part should be approximately of 150 words):-

Marks: 7 × 15 = 35

2. Analytically prove that THREE ways of measuring ntioanl income produce identical result.

(Comment for solution.)

3. Discuss the channels and mechanisms through which finance can effect economic development.

(Comment for solution.)

4. Explain the difference of Kaldor type growth models vis-a-vis neo-classical ones.

(Comment for solution.)

5. Do you believe A.K. Sen's capability approach adds new dimensions to the existing theories of economic development? Explain.

(Comment for solution.)

6. It is argued that tariffs are better instruments to achieve desired objectives than the quotas-Do you agree? Analyse.

(Comment for solution.)

7. Discuss the suitability of expenditure reducing policies to overcome balance of payments disequilbrium condition.

(Comment for solution.)

8. Do you think same set of policies will be effective in case of demand pull and cost push types of Inflation? Discuss.

(Comment for solution.)

9. Explain Leibenstein's approach to overcome 'Lone Level equilibrium trap' faced by developing countries.

(Comment for solution.)

10. Do you think 'Human Poverty Index' is a substitute measure for the 'Human Development Index'? Analytically argue.

(Comment for solution.)

Section - III

Attempt any TWO of the following questions. (Answer to each part should be approximately of 500 words):-

Marks: 2 × 30 = 60

11. Do you agree that the difference between Keynesians and Monetarists is how the economic policies affect the output and employment in the economy through various channels? Analyse.

(Comment for solution.)

12. Analytically compare the basic tenets of balanced and unbalanced growth strategies and give your own judgement on which strategy can be appropriate for an economy.

(Comment for solution.)

13. Given that Regional Trade Agreements are proliferating all across the world, do you think this goes against the philosophy of free trade? Discuss this in the context of economic advantage(s) of Regional Trade Agreements.

(Comment for solution.)

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